Posted on 12/5/2022 by Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery
Are you considering dentures or maybe recommending them to someone special? Whatever your reason is, you need to be more informed about dentures first. For instance, you should learn what they are, what they are made of, and how many types they are. Dentures are known to improve people's lifestyles which also you need to know about them. Besides, dentures suit individuals differently.
Understand What Dentures Are
Dentures are artificial gums and teeth formed in one's mouth and customized by dentists to replace natural teeth after being lost or removed. Dentures are either partial or complete, which means they replace all teeth or some of them or the bottom or top gum line. Whatever your denture needs are, you will get it since a dentist can customize it.
What Are Dentures Made Of
In ancient days, dentures were made of plastic or porcelain. However, modern dentures are more natural because they are created from hard resin. Dentures are supposed to be replaced from time to time to avoid cracking or chipping. After all, dentures are more fragile than natural teeth. A polymer material with its flexibility enhances the dentures to give out a natural look in an individual.
Why Dentures Are Advisable
Dentures will not just improve your smile appearance, but they keep the mouth structure intact. The structures around the lips and cheeks are supported by dentures. Eating is also made much easier, especially if chewing is required. Proper chewing is crucial, especially for people who are on a diet. Dentures are also a solution for individuals who suffer from toothache. Once the dentures are placed, all the troublesome and annoying teeth are replaced with a more beautiful and potent alternative. Finally, the type of dentures is; complete dentures, partial dentures, custom dentures, and snap-in dentures, among others.
Dental Implants WV • About Mountain State Oral and Facial As oral surgery specialists, we use the latest technology and advanced techniques to provide a supreme level of care. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery, 869 Oakwood Rd Charleston, WV 25314 | 304-343-5161 | | 2/8/2025 | Page Phrases: dental implants Charleston WV |