Relieving Pain After Removal Of Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Posted on 6/5/2023 by Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery
Removal of impacted wisdom teeth is obviously among the most prevalent dental procedures. Nonetheless, it might take some time to fully recover after pulling out wisdom teeth. At times, healing from wisdom tooth extraction may be characterized by pain and discomfort. As a result, some patients may put off wisdom tooth extraction because they fear that there would be pain afterward.
However, delaying wisdom teeth removal isn't a smart idea, particularly if there are inherent foreseen or existing dangers. It's a very important procedure to go through once you have impacted wisdom teeth. Talking to our dentist about pain relief measures is always advised. Here are some remedies for the pain, though.
Rinse Using Warm Salty Water
Get a glass with a cupful of warm water. Now, put two tablespoons of salt into the water and then stir constantly until the salt fully dissolves. Gently, swish the solution around your mouth for at least 12 seconds before spitting it out. Take care not to gargle forcefully as it can dislodge the blood clot and lead to more complications. You can continue doing this after a few hours to relieve the pain.
Apply Ice
There might be a lot of swelling and pain after the extraction of wisdom teeth. Applying ice, therefore, can ease this swelling and relieve pain. You can use an unopened bag of frozen vegetables or an ice pack. Also, you can have ice cubes put in a plastic bag and then wrap the bag in a towel. Relieve the pain and inflammation by applying a cold compress to the cheek around the extracted tooth. This method relieves the pain and inflammation within 36 hours.
Painkillers Will Help
Painkillers do a good job of relieving pain and inflammation. While taking over-the-counter painkillers is right, it is good to talk with our dentist to prescribe effective painkillers. If the pain persists, please seek help at any time from our dental clinic.
Dental Implants WV • About Mountain State Oral and Facial As oral surgery specialists, we use the latest technology and advanced techniques to provide a supreme level of care. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery, 869 Oakwood Rd Charleston, WV 25314, 304-343-5161,, 3/29/2025, Related Terms: dental implants Charleston WV,