Posted on 10/11/2021 by Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery
First, you should consult with your dentist to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implant surgery. The dentist may do a visual examination of your mouth, as well as x-rays and a review of your medical records, during your dental examination. Your dentist will create a dental implant process timetable based on the information you provide, taking extra care to account for any health issues you may be experiencing at the time of the operation. They will go through their plan with you so that you are aware of what is going to happen at each stage. Also, now is a good time to find out whether you have a dental plan that includes coverage for dental implants.
Get your Jaw Bone strong for Dental Implants
If your jawbone is thin or fragile, or if your tooth has been missing for a long period, your jawbone may not be able to effectively support an implant, and a bone transplant may be required to provide appropriate support. Depending on your situation, the bone grafting material might be synthetic or originate from another part of your body. It strengthens the damaged area of your jawbone, which is essential owing to the force of chewing. It also helps to prevent further damage. A strong jawbone will provide greater support for your implant and reduce the risk of failure. If you have had bone grafting, you may have to wait many months before having your implant procedure to allow the bone to develop strong enough to support the implant. If you require only little bone grafting, it is possible to have it done the same day as your implant operation. Visit us to have your jaw ready to have implants, you can book an appointment for examination on how to get ready for implants.
Dental Implants WV • About Mountain State Oral and Facial As oral surgery specialists, we use the latest technology and advanced techniques to provide a supreme level of care. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery, 869 Oakwood Rd Charleston, WV 25314 ~ 304-343-5161 ~ ~ 3/29/2025 ~ Tags: dental implants Charleston WV ~