Posted on 3/7/2022 by Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery
Before you receive prosthetics such as dentures or dental implants, you may require pre-prosthetic surgery. These are surgeries aimed at preparing the mouth for prosthetics. Usually, a prosthetic is fitted on the bone ridge. This ridge needs to be prepared and smoothed out to ensure a perfect fit for the restorations. Pre-prosthetic surgery works to reshape the bone, allowing it to attain the desired form. Various procedures are involved, including removing excess gum tissue, smoothing as well as reshaping the bone, reducing the bone ridge, removing excess bone, and exposing impacted teeth.
When we talk of alveoloplasty, it is a medical term referring to the trimming and reduction of excess bone before a patient receives dentures. The jawbone ridge or labiobuccal alveolar bone is reshaped, smoothed out, and re-contoured with this procedure. Often, an oral surgeon performs this procedure in areas where you have missing teeth or extracted teeth. If there is part of the bone ridge that is protruding or sharp, it may be irritated by the denture surface, therefore, it has to be evened out. Also, if there are areas of the bone ridge that are irregular or concave, they have to be reshaped to allow the denture to slip over the jawbone ridge.
Ridge Augmentation
The main aim of ridge augmentation is to help rebuild the alveolar ridge in the jaw, which may deteriorate due to tooth extraction. Once a tooth is removed, the socket heals and bone tissue fills the space. But at times, the ridge surrounding the tooth socket can break, thus impairing normal healing. As a result, the width and depth of the socket further deteriorate, thus preventing the safe installation of a denture. Ridge augmentation is done to rebuild the bone, allowing it to attain its original width and height so that it can effectively support the dentures. Want to find out more about these pre-prosthetic surgeries? Contact us today.
Dental Implants WV • About Mountain State Oral and Facial As oral surgery specialists, we use the latest technology and advanced techniques to provide a supreme level of care. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery, 869 Oakwood Rd Charleston, WV 25314 \ 304-343-5161 \ \ 2/8/2025 \ Associated Words: dental implants Charleston WV \