Relieving Pain After Removal of Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Posted on 12/23/2021 by Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery
Many patients worry about pain and discomfort after the extraction of wisdom teeth, but should that be a concern? Wisdom teeth, often known as the third molars, may be impacted in the jaw where they fail to come in. if you have impacted wisdom teeth, you may consider extraction. The good news is, wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure that our oral surgeon completes chair-side at our dental office. In most cases, removal of wisdom teeth is quick and easy, but in most complex situations, the removal involves cutting through the gum and bone to reach the tooth where it is removed in sections.
It is Normal to Have Pain after Wisdom tooth removal?
Being a surgical procedure where the gum tissue, as well as the bone that houses the wisdom tooth, are likely to be cut and pulled around, it would mean that the extraction areas will become tender, at the very least. After the anesthetic you receive before extraction wears off, you may have some pain and discomfort. This is completely normal; however, if the pain occurs for a long time, for example, more than a week, you need to contact our oral surgeon.
How to Relieve the Pain after removing wisdom Tooth
Typically, in the first 24 hours, you experience what is called nociceptive pain. This discomfort arises from tissue or bone damage. The pain is superficial, meaning it subsides through healing. You can manage pain after wisdom teeth removal by using OTC pain medication. Our oral surgeon will prescribe you the pain medication to use.
Our oral surgeon may advise applying icepacks to help reduce swelling and bring out any bruising at the extraction site. In situations where the extraction process is intensive and more complex, the dental specialist may prescribe more potent pain relievers to combat more significant discomforts. Any excruciating pain lasting for more than ten days should oblige you to see our oral surgeon immediately. It could mean complications with wisdom teeth removal. Visit our dental office for wisdom teeth removal and other dental treatment procedures.
Dental Implants WV • About Mountain State Oral and Facial As oral surgery specialists, we use the latest technology and advanced techniques to provide a supreme level of care. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mountain State Oral and Facial Surgery, 869 Oakwood Rd Charleston, WV 25314 ^ 304-343-5161 ^ ^ 2/8/2025 ^ Related Terms: dental implants Charleston WV ^